FAQs About Skin Care Specialist Training And Your New Career

Is skin care specialist training the right next step for you? You're ready to start a new career in cosmetology—but you're not sure which aspect of the beauty industry is the best fit. If you're ready to explore skin care training school programs, take a look at what you need to know about estheticians, education, and your options.

What Is A Skin Care Specialist?

This general term refers to a group of beauty industry professionals who help to care for and treat the facial and body skin. Specific jobs (or aspects of the esthetician's or specialist's job) may include waxing/hair removal, skin assessments, choosing and applying facial treatments, and recommending/selling products to cleanse, moisturize, or repair the skin. Specialists may also apply makeup or help clients to use cosmetic products. 

Are There Skin Care Specialist Jobs?

Before you choose a new career, make sure you can find a job in the field. Even though a degree may make you more marketable, you won't find success if there are no available positions. 

Unlike some other fields, the beauty industry is booming. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects skin care specialist jobs will grow at a much faster than average rate of 29 percent between 2020 and 2030. This could mean the addition of 19,800 jobs to the existing 68,700 positions across the country.

Do You Need A Degree To Work In Skin Care?

The answer to this question depends on the job you want and how far you plan to advance in your career. Some retail skin care or beauty jobs may not require a degree. But if you want to work in a salon, day spa, or other similar environments, it's likely that you will need a skin care diploma from a training program. 

Why Do You Need A Degree?

Many states have licensing requirements for estheticians and other skin care specialists. While licensing regulations vary by state, you will need to complete an approved program. Not only do these skin care programs qualify you to take the next steps towards licensure, but they also provide new beauty industry professionals with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to work with clients.

Where Can You Get A Skin Care Diploma?

You can find practical educational programs in skin care in many different places. These include trade or vocational schools, community colleges, and schools that specifically or only focus on cosmetology. These programs vary in length, cost, curriculum, and the type of degree the school offers.

To learn more, contact an establishment like Elise Esthetics Institute.
